Based on Ubuntu 18.04 / MythTV 0.29, differences for newer versions noted in the text.
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London
to correct it.sudo apt install mythtv-frontend ratpoison xinit x11-xserver-utils xloadimage xfce4-terminal alsa-utils
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends mythtv-frontend ratpoison xinit x11-xserver-utils xloadimage xfce4-terminal alsa-utils xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-libinput
(see Configuring MythTV 0.29 below)/etc/mythtv/config.xml
from your MythTV Server to this machine (or edit the pre-generated file to fit)./etc/sudoers
file so the MythTV user can manage the machine:sudo visudo
mythtv ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown *, /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /usr/bin/apt *, /usr/bin/systemctl * mythtv-backend
, Y
.sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1
[Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin mythtv --noclear %I $TERM
, Y
sudo usermod -s /bin/bash mythtv
sudo su mythtv cd ~
to auto-start the GUI:nano -w .bash_profile
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then printf " Starting MythTV..." until netcat -z *mythtv-server* 6544; do sleep 1; printf "."; done sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf ".\n"; startx > /dev/null 2>&1 printf " Restarting..." sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf "."; sleep 1; printf ".\n"; logout fi
with the IP address of your MythTV server (and remove the stars).mythtv
user elsewhere and not have the GUI auto-start on you).Ctrl+X
, Y
to auto-start the window manager:nano -w .xinitrc
ratpoison & mythwelcome
(the window 'system') to then start ratpoison
(the window 'manager', specifically designed for machines without mice), and then start mythwelcome
(the program we actually want running, the one and only 'window').xrandr --fb 1920x1080 xrandr --size 1920x1080
, Y
to configure the window manager:nano -w .ratpoisonrc
escape C-a exec xset -dpms s off exec xsetroot -solid black exec xloadimage -border black -onroot -quiet -center /usr/share/mythtv/html/images/icons/upnp_large_icon.jpg exec xsetroot -cursor_name none defwinname name bind x exec xfce4-terminal --fullscreen keystate_numlock = disable
(this is the key combination you press to tell ratpoison you want it to do something, rather than passing the key to the active window).X
key to start a full-screen terminal, for when you need to work on the machine (this combines with the escape key above, so to start the terminal you press Ctrl-A
, X
, Y
at the bottom), press the m
key to unmute it (displaying OO
at the bottom).Escape
to save and exit.mythtv
user:sudo reboot
Note that this section focuses on tweaking the settings that are relevant to the client and will skip over those that affect the server. Effectively this is aimed at setting up an additional client, where the overall system is already up and running.
Test Speakers
to confirm sound is being output correctly. There may be multiple variants of your soundcard using different drivers, a bit of trial and error is required here.Test High Definition
to verify it. Watch for stuttery video and listen for audio stuttering too. Again trial and error is required here. Press Escape
to abort the test if there are obvious issues. You will almost certainly want one of the 'High Quality' options here, unless you need to use the 'VAAPI' driver for which there is only one quality setting.m
while the test is running, select Playback
then Playback Data
you can get some more detailed statistics about the playing video. Most important is usually the CPU usage, if this is hitting 90%+ you probably have the wrong driver.i965-va-driver
package (just the chips I've tested, I can't speak for others)xfce4-terminal --fullscreen
, X
any time while the GUI is running to bring up a terminal with the mythtv
user already logged in.F12
on the MythTV Welcome screen to bring up the same terminal.Ctrl+Alt+F2
to switch to the second console terminal, where you can log in as a normal user. To go back to the GUI, press Ctrl+Alt+F1
(the GUI runs on the first console terminal).mythtv
user can run the following commands without a password:sudo reboot
to reboot the machine.sudo poweroff
to shut the machine down.sudo apt update
to update the software package lists.sudo apt upgrade
to install the updated software packages./etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
with the following contents:Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "intel" Option "TearFree" "true" Option "AccelMethod" "sna" EndSection
with the following contents:#!/bin/bash xrandr -q | grep " connected" &>> /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # Screen found start mythtv xrandr --fb 1920x1080 xrandr --size 1920x1080 ratpoison & mythwelcome fi
chmod +x /home/mythtv/
with just the one line:/home/mythtv/
sudo apt install x11vnc
sudo nano -w /home/mythtv/.xinitrc
x11vnc -rfbport 5900 -forever -nevershared -sleepin 60 -passwd password &